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    교육콘텐츠 Answers about Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)

    페이지 정보

    작성자 Katrice
    댓글 0건 조회 79회 작성일 24-06-28 15:27


    Yes, pollack is safe to eat during pregnancy as long as it is cooked thoroughly to kill any harmful bacteria. It is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty a
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    Answer to a hot spring?

    Asked by Wiki User

    A hot spring is a natural thermal pool of water heated by geothermal activity underground. It can be a relaxing place to soak and unwind, known for its potentia
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    What is the number of spring in hot springs?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The number of springs in a hot spring can vary, with some hot springs having only one spring while others may have multiple springs feeding into the same pool.
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    What are black oysters?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Black oysters are a type of edible mushroom that have a dark, velvety appearance with a distinct flavor profile. They are commonly used in culinary dishes for t
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    How long does salmonella last?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Salmonella infection typically lasts 4-7 days in healthy individuals. In some cases, it can persist for several weeks. Severe cases may require hospitalization
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    How much does chalk cost?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The cost of chalk can vary depending on the brand, quantity, and location. On average, a pack of white chalk can range from $1 to $5. Specialized chalk for acti
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    Is flagyl safe for pregnant woman with trichomonas vaginalis?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Flagyl (metronidazole) is generally considered safe for use in pregnant women with trichomonas vaginalis, as the benefits of treating the infection usually outw
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    What can Cause weight fluctuations during the day?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Weight fluctuations during the day can be caused by factors such as water retention, food intake, bowel movements, hormonal fluctuations, and clothing worn. The
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    Will poppy seeds hurt you when pregnant?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Consuming poppy seeds in moderation is generally considered safe during pregnancy. However, excessive consumption should be avoided as they contain trace amount
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    What damage might be caused if drank and smoked and now 3 weeks pregnant?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Drinking and smoking during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and developmental delays in the baby. It is impor
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    Is betadine safe to gargle during pregnancy?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is generally safe to gargle with betadine during pregnancy, as long as it is done in moderation and not ingested. However, it's always best to consult with y
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    Is it safe for an 80 year old woman to go trough angiogram?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Angiograms can be safe for elderly individuals, including an 80-year-old woman, but the decision should be made after considering her overall health and any pot
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    Can you use a trampolin while your pregnant?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is generally recommended to avoid using a trampoline during pregnancy due to the risk of falls and injury to the abdominal area. Pregnant women should consul
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    What were the effects of mysticism during the 14th century?

    Asked by Wiki User

    During the 14th century, mysticism led to the emergence of new spiritual movements and practices that focused on direct experiences of the divine. Mystics like
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    Is dark urine color during pregnancy ok?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Dark urine color during pregnancy can be a sign of dehydration or an imbalance in your diet. It's important to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet to
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    Are you about to go into labor if you are leaking breast milk at 7 months pregnant and just went through false labor?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Leaking breast milk during pregnancy can be normal, especially in the later stages. However, if you are also experiencing false labor, it's a good idea to conta
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    Is it odd to not see a fetal pole at 5 weeks?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is not uncommon to not see a fetal pole at 5 weeks as it may be too early to detect on an ultrasound. The fetal pole typically appears around 6 weeks of preg
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    If a drinking glass cracks and you drink from it are there any chemicals that can harm the drinker or fetus?

    Asked by Wiki User

    If a drinking glass cracks, there is a potential risk of ingesting small glass fragments, which could cause injury to the mouth, throat, or digestive tract. How
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    If you're measuring your penis do you measure it along the top or along the bottom?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is typically recommended to measure along the top of the penis, from the base to the tip, for accuracy. This provides a consistent method of measurement and
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    What does it mean if you are 8 months pregnant and recently started craving the smell of rubbing alcohol?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Craving the smell of rubbing alcohol during pregnancy could be a condition called pica, where a person craves non-food items. It could also indicate a mineral d
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    Is it safe to run a 120V outlet for a microwave from a 240V electric range outlet?

    Asked by Wiki User

    No, it is not safe to run a 120V outlet for a microwave from a 240V electric range outlet. The voltage difference could damage the microwave and pose a fire haz
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    What beauty treatments are safe during pregnancy?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Beauty treatments such as haircuts, manicures, and pedicures are generally safe during pregnancy. However, it's important to avoid chemical treatments like hair
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    Is it true that radiation on airplanes could harm a fetus?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The radiation exposure levels from flying on airplanes are generally considered safe for pregnant women and their fetuses. The cosmic radiation levels experienc
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    Where Should You NOT self harm?

    Asked by Wiki User

    You should not self-harm in any way, as it can lead to serious physical and mental health consequences. Seeking professional help and emotional support is cruci
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    Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)


    What does bpd stand for?

    Asked by Wiki User

    BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder, a mental health disorder characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. Individuals with BPD may
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