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    홈쇼핑 광고 The General Election Commission (KPU) encourages the Indonesian public…

    페이지 정보

    작성자 Eddy
    댓글 0건 조회 9회 작성일 24-08-07 08:49


    As a party that gained a decade of seats in the 2019 polls and an additional seat in the 2024 vote, PKS has a firm grounding and can put forward a sole candidate pair for the mayoral office. Furthermore, the PKS Bogor DPD Chairman, A. Trisnanto, has been proposed as a mayor nominee in the 2024 local election. "Of course, PKS has the means and solid standing to determine the candidate for the mayoral office. Hold on, we are expecting guidance from the DPP. (Regarding my name being mentioned), yes, it has appeared, thank you for the support. We are certainly waiting for direction from the DPP. Any task given, we are ready, I must be ready," said Atang on Sunday (24/3/2024).

    098035000_1718119413-IMG-20240611-WA0104.jpg"PKS has the Chairman of DPRD DKI. They can't take the deputy governor position too. I think Anies-Pras is ideal," he said. Moreover, he added, the relationship between Anies Baswedan and Prasetyo has been established since Anies served as the governor of Jakarta from 2017 to 2022. Furthermore, Hasbiallah hopes that communication between PKB and PDIP can be established quickly so that the deputy governor position for Anies can be finalized.

    5. If you have any inquiries relating to exactly where and how to use Kaesang berani lawan Anies Baswedan Ridwan Kamil, you can speak to us at our own webpage. Displayed Information After selecting the dapil, you will see the following information: Name of the political party that nominates the candidate Candidate's serial number Candidate's photo "Profile" box containing further information about the candidate

    This 2024 Pilkada involves 508 regencies/cities, making it one of the largest democratic events in Indonesia. The Chairman of the KPU, Hasyim Asy’ari, emphasized the importance of conducting elections in accordance with the prevailing laws and ethical codes. In its implementation, all KPU levels at the provincial and regency/city levels must always coordinate with local governments, law enforcement, and related parties to ensure the Pilkada runs smoothly.

    - KPPS chairman's honorarium: Rp 1.2 million
    - KPPS member's honorarium: Rp 1.1 million
    - Community protection unit (satlinmas) honorarium: Rp 700 thousand
    - Compensation for moderate injury: Rp 8.25 million per person
    - Compensation for severe injury: Rp 16.5 million per person
    - Compensation for permanent disability: Rp 30.8 million per person
    - Compensation for death: Rp 36 million per person
    - Funeral assistance: Rp 10 million per person
    - Overseas KPPS chairman's honorarium: Rp 6.5 million
    - Overseas KPPS secretary's honorarium: Rp 6 million
    - Overseas satlinmas honorarium: Rp 4.5 million

    "For the greater good and for the people of Jakarta, we continue to synchronize with all political parties. Once an agreement is reached, we will inform our colleagues about who the gubernatorial and deputy gubernatorial candidates will be from Gerindra and our friends in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition," he said

    nBased on General Election Commission Regulation Number 8 of 2022 on the Formation and Working Procedures of Adhoc Election Organizers for the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, and Mayors and Deputy Mayors, PPS is a committee formed by the Regency/City KPU to conduct elections at the village/sub-district level or other names

    According to Huda, another PKS dilemma is immediately pairing Anies-Sohibul, which he views as a blunder. "The problem is that they immediately paired Mas Anies and Mas Sohibul Iman. In my view, it’s a blunder," he noted. Huda mentioned that pairing Anies with Sohibul closes the door for other parties to join in supporting Anies. "This will close the door for other parties to partner and form a coalition," he noted.

    nTherefore, Doli said, the coalition supporting Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka continues to communicate and build political strategies to win the Simultaneous Regional Elections to be held in November 2024 . [Read More](5624160 5623387 5622951

    **Pairing Anies-Sohibul in the Jakarta Pilkada is a Blunder** Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Syaiful Huda, said that the change in stance by PKS, which initially proposed Sohibul Iman as the gubernatorial candidate and then changed to deputy governor for Anies Baswedan, reflects internal confusion within PKS. "The internal confusion among PKS friends, which should have been internal PKS consumption, has been published," said Huda at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday.

    n"Yes, we have no shortage of cadres for DKI. We have Mas Eko Patrio, Mbak Zita Anjani, among others, who already understand the conditions in DKI. I think we will not lack cadres and will propose our own," he said

    1. Visit the Official KPU Website To check voter data online, first visit the official website of the General Election Commission (KPU). You can type this address in your browser: infopemilu.kpu.go.id. On this site, KPU provides various information related to elections, including checking voter data.

    079454200_1707114151-WhatsApp_Image_2024-02-05_at_13.18.34.jpegnNevertheless, he appreciates the dynamic political process leading up to the 2024 Regional Election . He also hopes that there will no longer be political party divisions like in the presidential election084957100_1683895223-golkar_1.jpg


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