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    강연강좌 Popular Science Monthly/Volume 40/April 1892/Lessons from the Census V…

    페이지 정보

    작성자 Jurgen
    댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 24-09-21 13:16


    The PVC is the most commonly used thermoplastic insulation has maximum temperature tolerance of 70. The higher the temperature tolerance the more the conductor can can carry the current. The power cables are used for domestic purpose as they can be buries into the ground or can be used overhead. Different colors of wires have different color for different purpose. From my knowledge of some of the men who have been foremost in projecting lines of rapid transit, but who have been accused of doing it for entirely selfish motives, I learn that public benevolence has influenced them to a sufficient extent to induce them to take the great risks which are apparently involved. If underground roads can be used without at first increasing such tax, and still offer a reasonable compensation for capital invested, the gains to the people at large offer an inducement to capital, while the many considerations of health and morals offer men who desire to use their means for the benefit of their kind an opportunity that has not existed in the past.

    The question of rapid transit, therefore, as seen by this simple illustration, becomes an ethical consideration; for if there is anything to be gained by adding to the time which men have at their disposal for their own purposes, for intercourse with their families, for social improvement, for everything for which leisure is supposed to be used, then the question of rapid transit is one of far greater importance than that of saving money either to the man who uses transportation or to the company that secures dividends upon its stock. He would cover the copper with India-rubber, protect this core with steel wires vulcanized, the whole then passed through heat; thus insulating all the wires, he would make the cable in one length, and have no joints. These cables consist of a conduction core which is surrounded by the some other conducting layer. Sheath : It is a protection layer to the wires from external influence or atmosphere. Shielding or Armor : It is the external protection of the conductor against the temperature, sun, rain etc. These are generally made of polymeric material. The cable was not tested under water, for fear of rusting the small steel wires of the external covering, and small wires have never since been used; large wires, the larger the better, is now a principle.

    The first cable ever manufactured with due regard to the principle of careful supervision, testing under water, and being retained quietly in that condition until it was laid, was the Malta and Alexandria cable, laid in 1861. This cable was submerged in too shallow water, for many miles in less depth than 20 fathoms; the result was the frequent recurrence of fracture from being rolled about by the surf, and yet this cable was only finally abandoned last year; not because it could not be kept in repair, but because it was too expensive to keep in order. Again, it is urged that experiments with light cables have been tried in factories or sheds, and the result proves that there are many advantages in their favor; but I am of opinion that no experiments which can be made on shore will sufficiently resemble the exigencies which may occur over a period of several days and nights at sea in storms and darkness, and still less will they prove their fitness for the unknown conditions which may exist at great ocean-depths.

    These are generally made of polymeric material and these are used according the the environment conditions. The function of cable depends on the type of cable used - the material and the protection used for that material so based on some terms the cables are classified from which network cable is used for the transmission of the signal. In general, the core is covered with a layer of copper to improve conduction over long distances, followed by a material (e.g., aluminum foil) to block the passage of water into the fibres. The transmission of electromagnetic wave reflects in the core cladding. Red : Phase 2 or transmission wires. Blue : Phase 3 or distribution of power wire. There is no clear distinction between an electric wire and an electric cable. The cable is encased for its entire length in foil or wire mesh. This type of cable is basically used for the telephone cables and the resistance can be measured by the number of wires used. This can also be used for the computer networking and other networking processes. They are used in ethernet networking system. Internet Cables:- These cables are ethernet cables. Ethernet cables are used for connecting a device or any game console to a modem.

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