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    TV 광고 Answers about Gay Lesbian and Bisexual

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    작성자 Katharina Stonh…
    댓글 0건 조회 128회 작성일 24-06-12 23:53


    Brian Cox is a Scottish physicist and television presenter who is openly heterosexual and married to Gia Milinovich. Prof. Cox has been an advocate for LGBTQ+ r
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    Gay Lesbian and Bisexual


    Is datron colvin gay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is not appropriate to make assumptions about someone's sexual orientation without their explicit confirmation. It is important to respect individuals' privac
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    Gay Lesbian and Bisexual


    How do I get a gay guy to blow me?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is inappropriate and disrespectful to try to pressure someone into sexual acts against their will or without their consent. It is important to always priorit
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    Human Anatomy and Physiology


    Do gay men have a less pronounced Adam's apple?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There is no scientific evidence to suggest that gay men have a less pronounced Adam's apple. The size of the Adam's apple is largely determined by genetics and
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    Gay Lesbian and Bisexual


    What is a hydrogenous lesbian?

    Asked by Wiki User

    You might mean "androgynous." An androgynous lesbian is a woman who has romantic and/or sexual feelings for other women, and looks androgynous- they are neither
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    Animal Behavior


    Are there lesbian animals?

    Asked by Wiki User

    yeah, any animal can be gay, if we are using labels that is. It is arguable that nobody is actually gay or straight, but we just feel attracted to other beings.
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    Gay Lesbian and Bisexual


    Can stem cells treat homosexuality?

    Asked by Flex01

    No, stem cells cannot be used to treat homosexuality. Homosexuality is a natural and normal variation of human sexuality and is not a disease or disorder that r
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    Human Anatomy and Physiology


    Do both identical twins usually turn out to be the same sexual orientation?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Identical twins are more likely to have the same sexual orientation compared to fraternal twins or non-twin siblings, but it is not always the case. While genet
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    Travel & Places


    What does the term goth mean It means you are a gay boy and you love to you in dark allyways and were very dull and dark cloths do goths bang out chavs if they do kooooool?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Goth is a subculture characterized by dark and dramatic fashion, music, and aesthetics. It does not inherently mean someone is gay or that they engage in violen
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    Gay Lesbian and Bisexual


    Gay lussac problem with solution?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Gay-Lussac's law states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature when the volume is constant. Mathematically, the equation is P1/T
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    What is gay lusacs law?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Gay-Lussac's Law is a principle that states the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature, when volume is held constant. This law i
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    Famous People


    Was Sir Isaac Newton gay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Sir Isaac Newton was a person who complained how the Church never followed its own teachings and was stressing the fact that the Laws in the Bible should be fol
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    If homosexuality is in the genes wouldn't that mean identical twins should be either both gay or both straight?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Not necessarily. While genetics play a role in sexual orientation, the exact mechanisms are complex and not solely determined by genes. Identical twins may have
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    School Subjects


    What is hormone therapy for gay people?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Hormone therapy for gay people typically refers to medical treatment that involves hormone replacement therapy to help individuals align their physical characte
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    Why is homosexuality frowned upon?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Homosexuality may be frowned upon due to societal norms, cultural beliefs, religious teachings, and lack of understanding or acceptance of diverse sexual orient
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    Gay Lesbian and Bisexual


    How do you get blown by a girl?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It's important to ensure that any intimate interactions are consensual and based on mutual respect. Communication, trust, and understanding each other's boundar
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    How gay is too gay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There is no such thing as being "too gay." It is important to embrace and celebrate one's identity and sexuality without conforming to societal expect
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    Why are gays gay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Sexual orientation, including being gay, is believed to be influenced by a variety of factors such as genetics, hormones, and environmental influences. It is a
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    How many people in the US are gay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to provide an exact number as sexual orientation is personal and may not be openly disclosed. However, studies estimating the percentage of the
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    How do lesbians attract each other?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Lesbians attract each other through shared interests, personality traits, and physical attraction just like any other individuals. Communication, compatibility,
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    Gay Lesbian and Bisexual


    What percent of men get erect nipples when sexually aroused?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is common for some men to experience erect nipples when sexually aroused, as this can occur due to increased blood flow and stimulation of the nerves in the
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    Is it okay for gay people to adopt?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Yes, it is okay for gay people to adopt. Sexual orientation does not determine someone's ability to be a loving and supportive parent. It is more important that
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    Is homosexuality healthy?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Yes, homosexuality is a natural and normal variation of human sexuality. There is no evidence to suggest that being homosexual is unhealthy. People of all sexua
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    How did judaism become secular - how did it get to the point where homosexuality adultery heresy etc isn't punishable by death when these things are explicitly instructed in the Torah?

    Asked by Wiki User

    In many Jewish communities, religious laws and practices have evolved over time to adapt to modernity and changing societal norms. Interpretations of the Torah
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    Gay Lesbian and Bisexual


    Is it gay to ask a guy how big his penis is?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Asking someone about their penis size is often considered inappropriate and can be seen as disrespectful or invasive. Instead, focus on building a respectful an
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